
Elanor sits for Cesar Milan

I love to watch cop dramas on TV.  I tend to like shows with a monster-of-the-week format rather than serialized interpersonal relationship driven shows.  Many of you are familiar with my long running love of Law and Order.

I have recently begun watching Bones in re-runs on TNT.  Usually I watch during my lunch break, or right after I finish with my work day.

Elanor frequently sits next to me while I watch.  She has shown interest in the TV in the past, chasing small objects that bounce across the screen, or looking up when there are dogs barking.

Today she saw Cesar Milan for the first time.

My dad has told me many times how much he admires Cesar Milan, and that he likes to watch Cesar’s show, The Dog Whisperer

We do not get the National Geographic Channel at home, but I have seen his show while staying in hotels that carry the channel.

Cesar Milan was a guest star on the episode of Bones that I watched yesterday evening.  He comes in to help with a case involving a dog fighting ring.  There are several scenes with lots of dogs barking and whining.

Elanor got up and started looking at the TV, and pacing around excitedly.  At one point Cesar tells the dogs to be quiet, and sit down.

Elanor sat down.

She didn’t hesitate, she didn’t do down dog first (which she sometimes does when I tell her to sit), she just sat, and stared at Cesar on TV.  It was amazing!

Later in the episode, he was talking, and Elanor ran right up to the TV with her ears perked up, and wagged and waited to see what he would tell her to do.

It seems the whispering comes through the TV loud and clear!
